Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Target Audience Survey

I decided to ask someone from my target audience some questions about there view on films. In this video is 18 year old Olivia Hansen who loves Thriller films ! 

Mundane Task

This Video helped me practice using different camera angles and gave me the experience of using this camera.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

After Effects - Mission Impossible 3

In class we used after effects,  we added titles to the beginning of a film e.g. Mission Impossible. 

Monday, 14 November 2011


This video is a story board with titles and sound to show what my finished movie will hopefully look like.

sound track pro

In class we practiced using sound track pro by adding sound to the opening credits of films, I decided to use the opening credits of panic room.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Timelapse - camera proficiency

                                  In our Lesson we practised using different camera equipment.

Sunday, 16 October 2011


                                                         Emily - the victim : Sarah Dunn

                                                           Murderer : Leo Scholefield


This location is going to be used for when the murderer is digging a hole for the girls body.

 This location is the murderers house and when the murderer walks up stone stairs. I decided to use this location as it is 100's of years old and I thought it would make the opening more scary.

 This location is the girls bedroom, where she sits on her bed looking at her laptop.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The Fall - Opening Credits Timeline

In our lesson we decided to do a timeline of an opening sequence, the reason for doing this was so that we could observe the seconds between each title e.g. producer, actors and caster director and use similar timings in our own opening credits. 

Saturday, 24 September 2011

research 5 The pacific

I find this shot effective as the chalk drawing crossfades into a real soldier at war. I think this is an interesting and clever opening credit as it is also unusual.
I like this shot as it brings the chalk drawing alive and almost looks as if it is real. It is also effective how the image of the drawing crossfades itnto a real life clip.
I like this shot as although it is just a drawing lighting is used and flickers from white to dark. This makes the drawing come alive and sets a scry atmosphere.

I like this shot as the chalk drawing looks like the exploision of bombs and the red looks like it represents blood.

I like this camera angle, becuase the close up of the chalk shavings looks like debris and dirt form the bombs at war.
I like this shot because the blackness of the figures shows their silhouettes and the red backround is very bright in contrast with the black used. The bits in the air look like chalk. 

research 6 Deadwood

I like this camera angle used because you can see the motion of the wheels and water. this also makes the clip look old as cars are not being used.
I like this shot because thw white backround empahsises the red blood and makes it looks a lot more gruesome.

I like this camera angle as it is slightly slanted, I also like the reflection of the horse. In this clip the horse disappears this gives a spooky atmosphere.
I like this shot as it makes you feel in a inclosed space like the chickens.
Through out the opening it goes back and forth from a horse running, I find this effective as it shows the horses eyes. This clip also makes me want to know more about the story.
I like this camera angle as you can see the movement of the grains and in the clip the camera rotates to show different angles which I find effective.